Monday, June 29, 2009

Solly's First Beach Vacation

This weekend we took our first official "family vacation" and went to Destin with the Kuklas and Gibsons. We had a beautiful three bedroom condo, though it wasnt child proofed and had dangerous wood and stone stairs - still, we got out of it bump and bruise free! It was Solly's first trip to the beach AND first time in a big pool - and he was great at both! He loves, loves, loves the water. He literally took to it like a fish - he was kicking and trying to get out of my arms to swim. He also didnt mind dipping under or the water in his face. We cant wait for those swim lessons in two weeks! Seeing him, Natalie and Jackson together all weekend was the best part. They are all so loving and sweet to each other. We just cant wait for them to grow up together - we could literally envision the three of them being 5 years old and running around -- my heart swells at the thought! Anyways, here are a few pictures. Zack was the designated picture-taker of the weekend so we'll add the really good shots when he gets us those, but here's a taste of our cute Surfer Dude...

Solly chillin on Mr. Turtle. I went round and round w/him trying to get a good shot w/him smiling cause he really did enjoy being on the float, it just doesnt look it here.

Solly checkin out the pool w/Daddy.

Natalie has this really cool push car thing that we used when we all went to the Wharf for dinner. So here's what happened when she was in it and Solly wanted to get in...we thought there was going to be an "issue" - instead we got this...

"Oh, hi there"

"Ohhhh, long time no see friend!!!"

"Ahhh love you friend"

"No, I love you more"

"We just love each other"

Solly getting Daddy a beer!

Mr. Solomon ready for any sand you bring on!
More photos to come....

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Solly Meets a Far-Away Friend

Dominique and Brian were in Tally for Memorial Day and it was the first time we all got to meet little Colin ( 7 months!). The babies seemed to love each other even if they didnt really "play" much together. Still it was a wonderful afternoon just seeing Dom and Brian - they are such great parents - always knew they would be -- it just made me really miss them more and wish we all lived closer.

Solly and Colin meet for the first time!

Solly's already found a new best bud!

My two little guys!

The "hot" mamas: Aunt Chel Chel, Alia & Peyton Lily, Dom & Colin and us.

Just a cute shot of my little guy.

Mr. Big guy has a wagon and he knows how to fill it with his toys!

Ok, seriously, have you EVER seen such a cute tushie??!!! What I was really aiming for was to show you how he walks and stands, but come on, that tush is CUTE!