Thursday, July 31, 2008

Sol's bris

We had Solomon's bris on Wednesday, the eight day after birth, and were truly honored to have so many family and friends on hand for the occasion. Rabbi Romberg from Temple Israel led a solemn and thoughtful ceremony, and the cantor, Tanya Tamarkin, brought us all nearly to tears with her beautful voice.
Grandpa Marty got to hold little Sol as he was given his full Hebrew name in honor of Solomon Merzer, Marty's dad -- Shlomo Drakon ben Yosefa. We even found a Hebrew version of Walker, so we could honor Sol's great grandfather E.W. Fleming.

Monday, July 28, 2008

A Msg from the Mommy

Hey all - it's me, the mommy of this magnificent little creature named Solomon. I'm finally getting to sit down and read emails and see the blog posts and the facebook posts and the ofoto photo albums (thanks Aunt Chel Chel for keeping everyone and everything updated - and thank god for Papa John's cell phone and all those candid shots!!). Thank you everyone who has sent messages, called, visited, etc. - we feel sooo loved and are sooo grateful that our little guy is so loved and wanted by so many.

Right now Sol, John and Sammie are all sacked out. I have a few moments to myself before the 3 pm feeding and I am blissfully at peace with how wonderful and magical these past five days have been.

First things first, Sol had his first Doc appt and all is perfect. He gained up to his birth-weight and some - he's a whopping 6 lb 8 oz!! The jaundice is clearing and we're now back to a once a 3 hour feeding schedule (the once every two hours just about killed us!!). No signs of the meconium doing any damage (another worry we've had since the labor) and the doc says what we all already know -- that he is in fact, perfect :) .

Sol's Birth Story:

After an afternoon/evening of feeling bad and not sure if I was in early labor or just "feeling bad & having normal braxton hicks" I woke up and went to the bathroom at 3am and my water broke (THANK GOD at home, in the bathroom - not at work or an event!). We knew something was wrong right away and it turns out the little bugger pooped inside my womb and so now the meconium was mixed w/the aminotic fluid - a potentially dangerous situation.

The major contractions came as soon as the water broke and just like everyone says, it truly is an all-consuming pain. Especially when they are like 2-3 min apart!! We moved forward w/drugs ( so that I didnt kill anyone) and an epidural ( soooo not fun to get, but soooo happy to have gotten it!). The labor progressed pretty fast - and by 9 am I was at 9 cm and the doc was ready to have me push pretty soon. We were trying to wait cause mom and Dad were driving up from S. Fla and we really wanted them to be here. After a record breaking 6 hour drive from S. Fla, they pulled in at 10:30, the doc had me start pushing at 11.

Here comes the fun part...once we started "pushing" my contractions slowed down and so every "push" was a massive undertaking. It felt like trying to push a tractor trailer with my legs (of course that took my arms, my back, my neck - even grinding my teeth). After an hour and a half of pushing the doc was concerned about Sol's dropping heartbeat and that he'd been in the meconium so long and decided that using the suction thingy to help pull him out was the way to go - even though John and I had decided we didnt want to use any of those contraptions - it took us all of .0005 seconds to say "YES LETS DO IT!" - We wanted this kid out -- I WANTED this kid out. The very next contraction I pushed until my eyeballs popped and POOF he came out!!

Because of the meconium the NICU was there and they had to whisk him away and suction him out so there was no cutting of the cord by daddy or anything. In fact, it was a few minutes until he even cried - the LONGEST minutes of our life! But when he did - it was THE sweetest sound we'd ever heard. He was here and he was fine and we were and now are a family :)

The first few days were really rough - it felt like I was on a run-away horse that was then hit by a truck - every part of my body hurt and its still slow and painful and I am swollen beyond recongition ( where are my ankles?!) but alas, looking at Sol's little nose ( the Merzer nose), his daddy's dimple and his long, skinny frog legs & feet ( who did he get those from?!?) makes it alllll worth it.

We can't wait to see what tomorrow and all the tomorrows after brings with this little guy - all I can say is these past four mornings waking up with him in the world has made our life a complete joy. Oh, and us, we are doing great - John is THE BEST DADDY ever - he is a pro at poopy diapers and a swaddling king - he is very supportive as we are having breast feeding issues (of course - who doesnt!) and even though we are tired ( beyond tired) and sometimes stressed ( sometimes??!!) we still find a few moments here and there snuggle and tell each other we love each other - somehow amidst all the gross physical stuff of childbirth and the chaos of caring for a newborn you find yourself even more in love with your spouse than you thought possible. Somehow, the way they look having slept in their clothes for two days, not shaven, with a burp rag hanging out of their back pocket and spitup on their shirtsleeves is completely and Yes, I guess thats the true testament of being an adult - a spouse -a parent.

I could go on forever, but alas, Sol has spit up and its almost the 3pm feeding - many more pictures and anecdotes to come...but again, to all of you who have supported us and shared in this wonderful, amazing adventure - we love you and we are thankful for you...and for Solly.

Sol's first trip to Publix

We went to publix today to pick up a job application for Sol. We're going to get him a job as a bagger so he can start paying his way.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

One big furry family

Sammy loves little Sol, and we had a nice quiet moment after our meal Saturday night.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Day 3 arrives

We made it through our first night home. You know, this isn't too bad. Couple of dirty diapers, lot of feeding, burps and spit up, but what a cute little guy. I think we're getting the hang of this.

Friday, July 25, 2008

The Money Tree

Yes, there is a tree in our room. John's office sent us this with a very nice note.
The nurses who wheeled it in said it was the biggest thing they'd ever seen on the floor. We think they're just nervous that we are about to move in.
Christina said it was a money tree, but I don't think we can spend the leaves here.
Thanks guys.

Good morning world!

7:30 am on day 2. Good night last night, lots of feeding, all the pipes are working, and hopefully we get to go home this afternoon.
We will definitely miss the nurses here. Everyone has been so caring and attentive, but I guess we gotta fly solo soon.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sol's first sunrise

Up with the sun.

Good morning!

Sol had a great first night in the world. Lots of feeding, and a couple dirty diapers.
Big day today, because we'll be officially one day old at noon!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

This kid is too cute!!!

Look how cute my new god-son is! :D

Mama and baby

Whew! We're settling in to our room finally, exhausted but still flying.
Sol is still sleeping it off, and will have a conehead for a few days, but he is tiny and perfect!
He arrived at about noon, 19 1/2 inches, and 6 lb 5 oz.
He's got good lungs, still working on his appetite. Daddy needs a nap.

Sol is here!

He's a little guy, at 6 lb 5 oz, but feisty. He gave us a time, and we had to suction him out, but he is healthy and we are too. This is him about 5 min old.

He's here!!!

He's here and healthy! More details to come...

Ready set push!

Allie is just about ready to start pushing. She is 9 cm, so the doc is saying another 30 minutes and they will get started.
Mom and dad-to be are catching a quick nap before we they get started.
Hopfully the next update will be to say that Solomon is here!
Stay tuned...

In labor!

7 a.m., 5 cm, epidural is in, and we're feeling fine. He's on his way!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

38 weeks and on our way...

We are 90% effaced and 1 cm dialated - the baby is "real, real low" and the doc thinks its a 50/50 chance we'll go this week. This is all good news to mommy as it is increasing uncomfortable to walk, sit, stand, eat, get the drift. Everything at home is ready - we mean EVERYTHING. All is missing is the little man and we are hopeful for his arrival soon.

John is being a WONDERFUL daddy-to-be and husband. He has spent every weekend building baby things or hanging shelves or cleaning out cabinets and he's been wonderful to me - rubbing my feet and back, making sure I eat right, keeping the air conditioner real low even though he's freezing -- but most of all, tolerating my moaning and moodiness and telling me what a trooper I am and that I am not in this alone -- I couldnt do this without him and I know as unbearable as the labor might be, I'm lucky to have him as my coach and partner. Now, who wants to volunteer to rub his feet and give him a pep talk??

Monday, July 21, 2008

And the cake

No, there's none left in the upstairs kitchen.

The Salter>Mitchell shower

Solly scored some more loot on Friday from his aunties at the office. The large bottle of gin in the foreground, however, was not part of it.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Prime parking

One thing we will miss for sure is the primo parking at Toys R Us. Other than that, at 37 weeks, we are ready to get little Solly out.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

36 weeks = 9 months!!!

36 Week/9 month tummy!!

We are at the end zone baby!! 4 weeks to go and boy do we feel it -- but Sol is still growing and preparing for his big debut. How do I know? Daily braxton hicks and ligament pain!!! But again, it is allll worth it - we just cant wait to meet him. Though Grandpa says he cant come until after July 19th ( a work project) and Aunt Mich says he has to come before July 29th ( also work) -- the South American neighbor's mother says he's coming in two weeks --- care to take a bet??!!

Today Solly and I were treated to a wonderful baby shower at the University Center Club from my work -- it was a great time with everyone and we got alot of useful AND fun things. Plus it was all decorated care of the UCC catering director who we work with alot -- I felt like a mommy-to-be princess :)