Monday, March 24, 2008

21 weeks and raising a gator!!

Check out the belly and the infant Gator cap the Nucatola's gave us!! P.S. I'm big but not THAT big - that double chin you see is just the way I'm standing.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Half-way & Happy St. Patty's Day!

" Two Pregnant Gals and one Hot Chic! Julie, Jennie and I in Destin" We are half way there baby - 20 weeks!! And feeling great! Still absorbing last week's revelation that we are having a BOY!! It definately keeps hitting us in waves of awe, excitement and for me - panic ( how do I clean that thing?!).

It's fitting that today is a milestone - as it is also my late-granpa Mike's b-day. For years and years he wore a green tie on his b-day and took pride that he was born on St. Patty's Day. Just like Grandpa Sol, Grandpa Mike was a "mench" - i.e. a warm, caring,compassionate man. I know this little one will emobdy all of that and more and both grandpa's are watching over us and are with Little Sol always.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Msg from Solomon's PR Rep

We are pleased to announce that the recent merger of the Fleming and Merzer genes has produced a boy!
We are naming the new company ... er, child ... Solomon Walker Fleming, and we will be working hard to build advance buzz for the brand ahead of our anticipated launch date, currently August 4.
We believe this brandname represents a strong value platform, representing past and future, tradition and innovation. It is a combination of our grandfathers' names -- Solomon Merzer and Eugene Walker Fleming. The biblical King Solomon was known for wisdom, wealth and his writing; the approved nickname -- Sol -- was the sun god in Roman mythology.
Seriously though ...we're happy to be able to share some joyful news with you today.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Meet... Solomon Walker Fleming!!

That's right - we're having a son!! A perfect son. He's right on target weight wise, length wise, everything is in the right place and growing and this mommy and daddy couldn't be happier. The tech did her job and checked everything and as she called out each part and that there were two hands, and two feet and two kidneys and no clef lip and..and..I just kept crying cause I didn't realize all of that stuff could be wrong. And so even though she didn't tell us if it was a boy or girl I was just so happy it was all healthy - then of course came the big moment and the grin on John's face was a mile-wide. He most definately wanted a boy and he was and is beaming. We both are.

Solomon Walker is named after my father's father - Solomon and John's father's father Eugene Walker. We are proud and excited and know he will grow to be a fine, wonderful, smart, strong, loving and funny person just like his two great-grandfathers. We are blessed to have you all in our lives to share this.

Love, Allie, John and Baby Sol!!

Friday, March 7, 2008

18 weeks & EM knows Daddy!

So the kicks and movements are getting a little stronger every day. I admit, my favorite passtime is sitting on the couch ( or anywhere for that matter!) with my hands on my bare tummy and waiting for the kicks or movements to come. As such, every night this week John has had to work late and so when he comes in I'm already in position on the couch. EM's not usually that active up until that point - but as soon as John walks in and Sammie starts doing her little happy-cry thing, the dang baby starts moving around. It is the damnest thing I've ever imagined. John then comes over to the couch and puts his hands on the belly and says hello and EM's moving and kicking. Either EM is responding to his voice, Sammie's excitment or my own blood pressure maybe picking up when he comes home we'll never know. But I think she -I mean - EM - hears his voice, knows he's home and is showing off!! Last night he was even able to feel a few flutters, not full on kicks, but he said he felt "something!". Though, he prob just said that so I'd let him take his hand off my belly and go eat :)

Stay post will be the gender report - hopefully!!!