Monday, January 28, 2008

Grandma & Grandpa come to see the belly

Two weekends ago Mom & Dad could not wait any longer to see the belly, so they drove up on Saturday, had a few pats, lots of hugs, a little maternity clothes shopping and drove home Monday morning. As you can see, even just two weeks ago the belly was somewhat smaller than it is now. In fact, I went through FOUR skirts this morning until I found one that fit. Somehow not just my belly, but my thighs felt like they grew over night, oh well, more fuel for EM. But it is mostly in the belly, in fact, those jeans I'm wearing in the pic just two weeks ago fit great, this weekend I had to do the rubber-band trick with them. :)

Sunday, January 27, 2008

13 wks & Baby's First Night Out!!

Last night was the annual social/charity black tie event Bids for the Kids! I felt GREAT- some even said glowing ( isn't that so cool?)! It was the first time since Halloween we went to a party and spent the night socializing and I made it all the way to mid-night! It was fun to show off the belly in the mini-black maternity dress - which many didn't realize was maternity - even better!! As always, we had a pre-event cocktail party at our house and took some fun photos. You'll see the gals - Auntie Michelle, Auntie Corinne and Dia - and of course, we make one handsome parent-to-be couple. Later in the night we went to Juli's 35th B-day party at The Winery. It was very, um, interesting waddling through the crowd to the bathroom - I was most definately THE most sober person there - its a whole new world for me :)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Bouncing Baby and 11 1/2 wks strong!!

We had a PERFECT visit w/the doctor today. EM was bouncing away in there( likes to party like her mama), the doctor thought it was wonderful EM was so active. Said the baby looked perfect, the placenta looked perfect, everything looked - PERFECT. Plus, I've only gained ONE pound!! That's right, its allllll baby showing :) He said the EM is right on target size wise and I can afford to eat/gain more -- oh, ok, twist my arm -- esp now that I'm not sick anymore and want to eat all the time!! Oh and we can stop calling it EM now, its officially not an Embryo but a Fetus and thus, our BABY!!!

Above's the ultrasound and a pic from last night of the baby bump!! We are both just so happy and relieved and blessed -- feel free to shout the news to the world -- we certainly are!! Thank you ALL for your good thoughts, prayers and support!! We love you.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

AHHHH -- foood

So I hope I am not jinxing this by writing this - but not only have I not been sick-sick since Sunday (the last entry) but today I haven't even been queasy! Quite the opposite -- I am famished!! I cannot eat enough. AND I ate a Krispy Kreme donut. Now, I know you are thinking, yeh, so, Allie loves her donuts. Yes I do - but NOT from Krispy Kreme - the thought of them coming off that conveyor belt grosses me out! Every time I pass that place and you can smell the cooked grease, blech, I hate it. Always have. But this morning I looked at the box of glazed donuts and if I wasn't at a professional event, I would have devoured all of them. Alas, the one I inhaled was sooo yummy. Guess EM likes K.K. - he/she must take after her Aunt Corinne!!

I'm still having aversions and not getting too crazy on what I eat ( though I'm still kinda craving Shrimp Scampi - I don't know why) So I'm enjoying this respite from the icky-sicky...keep your fingers this continues.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

10 weeks and still sick!!

I thought we were on the road to recovery, but alas EM is still deciding what stays down and what doesn't. The fun part is every day it changes - one day Hot Chocolate is ok, the next day, sooo not ok. So every meal is kinda a roll of the dice. Hey, we like things exciting. Fun Fact: When I get sick in the downstairs bathroom, Sammie comes in, tail wagging, and licks my face until I smile. If I'm curled up on the floor by the toilet ( a favorite position these days)she will nudge at me until I sit up - THEN she runs out and brings me a toy. She is a great B.S.I.T ( Big Sister In Training).

Here's just a fun photo in my Doxie PJ's John got me for xmas -- I spend ALOT of time in PJ's and sweats these days. Why, well, things are already getting "snug" - regular pants aren't comfortable or even buttoning and all my fat pants actually fit. No actual baby bump yet, but things are growing, which after a mid-week meltdown ( love me those hormones - hey, its a wierd feeling to put on a pair of pants that fit two weeks ago and they don't button) I came to the realization ( with help from Mom, Dad and Ann) that my growing waistline (even this early in the game) means the EM is growing and that is a great sign, so we'll take it.

Most people close to us know, John is the proud papa and is pretty much telling everyone he sees - we are two weeks until the official "shout from the rooftops" -- so keep those prayers coming, we love you all for it!1

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

9 weeks & a New Year!!

We are proud to report that EM ( short for Embryo) let us ring in the New Year without significant sickness - in fact, we went to dinner with friends and I even stayed up to watch the ball drop!! I was v. sick on Sunday when a car chase in the National Treasure 2 sent me straight for the movie theatre bathroom - alas, no more trips to the theatre until the second trimester, but its worth the sacrifice!! We are thrilled to welcome 2008 with such an exciting adventure before us and even though I woke up with a cold, I feel all warm and wonderful inside. 2007 was a blessed year for us and our friends, we have it on good authority 2008 will be even better!! P.S. We heard our non-pregnant friends had a blast downtown and are v. jealous -- anyone want dibs on babysitting Baby Fleming for Dec 31, 2008??!!