Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy 5 month B-day Solomon Walker!!

Sol figures out his walker - actually lets him walk! This is taken the day before his 5 month b-day!

Solly's first trip to see the xmas lights at Dorothy B. Oven Park - he loved them!

That Aunt Chel Chel is sooo funny! Chelsea came over to celebrate the first night of Hannukah and make holiday cookies.

Solly's loving the xmas cookie cutters - the little plastic snowman tasted quite good indeed.

Solly helping Daddy decorate the cookies!

"Yeh, I'm gonna get me one of those cookies, you just wait..."

Solly helping Mommy light the menorah

Happy Hannukah!!

Sol loves his first night gift from Grandma M

Well, ok, he really likes the wrapping paper!

Mommy got Solly a big-boy bowl and spoon for hannukah - he thought that tasted yummy too!

Chili's with the FDP gals for our gift exchange!

Getting love from Miss Debbie

Getting Love from Miss Corinne

Yes, he was leaning over to watch the Today Show and fell asleep like that!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Big Boy Week

This was a milestone week -- Solly figured out how to hold his bottle! The daycare sent home a little note telling us of his new trick ( yes, its on the fridge like a report card! ) and lo and behold, he sure does it! Not all the time, sometimes its still nice to have Mommy do the work, but he's getting the hang of it. This week we also took the bumpers off his crib. He's twisting and turning and scooting all around the crib all night long. So much so, he ends up smooched in the corners and we thought it was unsafe to have him pressed up against the bumper. On the other hand, now his feet hang out of the crib...see exhibit A below. Last but not least, his hair is really coming in - see exhibit B -- our attempt to make him a little bath-mohawk ( you have to look real close - his hair is still that light, reddish brown). Life is getting fun!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Parades and Activity Bouncers

Aunt Mich and little Holly hang w/Solly at the Winter Festival Parade

Mommy and Solly at the parade

Uncle Scott and Solly tend bar at the command post during the winter festival

Monday, December 1, 2008

A year ago today...

I found out I was pregnant.

Before I get wrapped up in my busy day ( alas, busy week/month) I wanted to take a moment and just reflect. A year ago this evening I took that test, saw the double line and fell to the floor of my bathroom in tears, crying I was so thankful I was pregnant. John was not home from work yet. We had agreed not to take the test until Tuesday morning. But we had strong indicators that I was pregnant ( same signs in my breasts that I had during the first pregnancy, nausea during a car trip on the day after Thanksgiving with my folks, spotting) and I spent all day at work that day thinking about it. I couldnt wait. I stopped off at Publix on the way home and bought a test. I went home and took it. I didnt expect to see a result. I really thought it would be too early. It wasnt.

I ran downstairs and hugged and kissed Sammie- twirling her around and telling her she was going to be a big-sister. I texted John to "come home quickly". I didnt want to call him because I knew if he heard my voice he'd know. When he got the text he thought it was bad news. He said he knew I couldnt wait and took the test and it was prob negative and I was prob in tears. He said he steeled himself for that - instead he got me greeting him at the top of stairs with the pee-stick in my hand - jumping up and down.

We called my parents. Then we waited.

We had many milestones to go through before we could tell the world -- the doc appt, the blood test/hormone levels, the 6 wk ultrasound to hear a heartbeat, the 8 week visit, the end of the first trimester. All of those milestones were sweet torture -- it was tough going through them and being nervous, but we got through them and the baby kept growing and growing and we then had new milestones -- finding out the sex, the baby classes, the 3D ultrasound, making the baby room, the awesome baby showers and then, the big, wonderful day our little blessing came into our lives.

Now we can hardly imagine a life without him. I can barely remember what life was like a year ago from right now when we didnt even know we were expecting this brilliant, wonderful little soul into our family. And now he's here and our lives are richer and full of love and laughter forever more.