Saturday, May 23, 2009

Happy 10 Month B-day Solly!!

Ten months ago today our little bundle of energy was born. Hard to believe it was that long ago -- we still feel so new at all this parenting stuff. Though I think we're not half bad :)

Everyday Solly is learning new things -- he can clap, wave, do high-fives. He says mama and dada - though dada more which is extremly unfair considering I'm the one who suffered through the morning sickness :). He is close to walking on his own - he can push his toys or tables or chair or basically anything that will move. He pulls himself up and down and up and down - much to our amazement, but also frustration! Keeping his tush in the tub is quite a chore! His two bottom teeth are almost all the way in and I think another is on its way, given the fussiness and drooling of late.

Overall we are blessed to have such a sweet and fun and most of all HAPPY little guy. This kid just smiles and laughs all the time. And boy is he a flirt and he knows how to use that dimple!

But the absolute, without a doubt, cutest thing is watching him and Sammie play and interact. He gets how to play with Sam and her toys and likes sharing his food with her already - he giggles when she runs by him or kisses him and she is starting to understand that when he grabs her, it is out of love. Though we're still working on the concept of the "nice-touch". Oh and Daddy is getting him to work on his hand-motor stills, Solly can now put the shape in the box - you know, the square through the square hole, the circle through the round hole....he LOVES it. He's so proud of himself whenever it drops in there and we cheer and he cheers.

All in all - this is a wonderful time. So far, this is my favorite stage - though I'm told by those here before me that every stage becomes our favorite. But so far, this is my favorite :)

Friday, May 15, 2009

Natalie's 1st B-day & Mother's Day Weekend!

Happy 1st B-day Natalie Kako Gibson!

Solly's first swim - he took to the water like a fish!

Sol was the only one who didnt cry in the pool! And why should he when has tasty Nemo-fish to chew on.

The B-day Girl in her polka-dotted bikini!

I LOVE this pool!

"Uncle Dan, whatcha doin?"

Baby Jackson dips his toe in!

Playing the drums on my big boy chair!

Mommy, Grandma and Solly on Mother's Day

Mommy, Grandma, Solly and that dog that snaps at Solly, hehe, Ditto!

Dr. Grandma meets her toughest challenge since her PhD defense - getting the food in Solly's mouth.


Grandma and Solly !

Solly trying cream cheese and lox on mother's day.

Solly, not liking that lox so much.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Solly's 9 Month Update

I'm a horrible mom - well, a horribly BUSY mom. I didnt get a chance to put a video up for Solly's 9 month B-day. So here's a random collection of pix off of the phone and regular camera taken over the past month ( or two, or three) that may not have been posted before. Enjoy!

Solly at Art in the Park

Solly and his first bagel

Wiped out from playing, Solly literally just fell asleep on the floor like this.

Solly on his first slide - at Holly's b-day at Chucky Cheese

Solly meets Barney at Chucky Cheese.

Solly & Uncle Chris

Solly and Aunt Chel Chel ( this is a pix from Jan 09- but wasn't sure I had posted)

Solly on his "big boy chair" at Grandma and Grandpa M's new house in Tally

Chillin on a Sat.

Solly & Natalie's first dinner date ( taken while babysitting for Nat one night)

Mommy & Solly at the B-Ball Game

Solly & Daddy at the FSU B-ball Game


Whoohoo bathtime fun!

Chamber baby all the way!

Happy 5th -Bday Sammie !!

Solly & Uncle Tish at Sam's 5th B-day

Solly trying to steal Aunt Corinne's cake - Aunt Corinne trying to frost Solly's nose