Sunday, November 30, 2008

Pix from the end of Thanksgiving Weekend!

Solly and Mommy put a snoopy ornament on the tree.

Solly loves the big, furry, thing with lights in his livingroom!

Like father, like son.

Yup - tushy all clean after that poopy-diaper explosion!!

Sooo dang cute.

Solly loves his bathtime!

Go Gators!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Sol's First Thanksgiving!

Solly had a great Thanksgiving holiday/weekend -- though Mommy forgot to take pictures of most of the cute stuff and fun times. We did have lots of love from Grandma and Grandpa M - had a huge Thanksgiving dinner with Grandma and Grandpa, Auntie Chel Chel, The Nucatolas - Ann,Rob & Vinnie, The Gibsons - Zack, Julie & Baby Natalie and Rob's friend Phil who has been indoctrinated into our crazy extended family - plus four dogs! It was a riot and the babies were really good through all the chaos! On Friday we went to Panama City to visit the Fleming clan, especially Cousin Brian and Aunt Deb and Uncle David who drove up from Orlando. And today of course is the UF/FSU more pix to come!

Grandma M giving Solly his pre-Thanksgiving bath

Natalie enjoys Sol's toy

Natalie and Sol play on the activity mat while the grownups eat dinner

Get used to it kid! Natalie takes Sol's paci and he's not happy about it!!

Sol LOVES his activity bouncer Aunt Ann gave us - he's such a big boy, even though his feet dont touch the ground. He has already figured out what all the buttons do!

Cousin Simon is not happy Pop-pop gave Solly his old bouncer. As you can see, Solly and Cousin Justin are just happy to see each other.

No fear - Simon reclaimed it as his!!!

Solly and Cousin Brian have quite a nice chat.

Solly, Justin and Allie - picture taken by Brian!

Big Cousins Brian and Justin were wonderful with little Solly.

The Fleming boys having tummy time!

Solly is very interested in seeing the pictures Pop-pop took of him!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Happy 4 month B-day Solomon Walker!!

Four months ago we were blessed with the sweetest soul - and boy has he made our lives fun! He is now rolling from front to back and back to front and back and forth in between. He reaches for his toys and puts them in his mouth - he puts just about anything in his mouth - except his feet, he's been close and he'll probably get them there this week! He can sit up if supported and LOVES to stand - and he's talking, boy does he have stuff to say -- he loves hanging out in his crib and talking to his mobile and friends. Its a hoot! At his four month check up on Friday he weighed 14 lbs, 6 oz and was 25 in long. Doc says he's perfect. But we already knew that.

"I'm a rock n roller!!"

Playin on his activity mat.

"I'm ready for that cold weather mom!"

Snuggling w/Auntie Chel Chel

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Misc Pic from Solly's World

These past few weeks took us from election day victory to Jacksonville to visit family!
The Fleming Family votes for President Obama!

Solly and Mr. Scott at the Election Night Party
-- finally, the right guy won!!

Lexie is soooo excited to meet Solly!
Our little FSU Cheerleader was such a big help
taking care of Sol!
Aunt Fran and Baby Sol ( he was already crushing on her!)

Lexie helps feed Solly after our sleepover at Fran's house.

"Gosh, its tiring being sooo cute,"
said Sammie AND Solly.

Solly in the laundry basket -
well, it kills two birds with one stone, hehe.
Solly and Montgomery in the Command Post
at Sol's First Downtown Getdown

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Sol's First Halloween!

Solly was Charlie Brown ( yes, I made that shirt!), John was his trusty friend Linus and I was Lucy. We won the best group costume at Paige's Halloween Party. We had a wondeful Halloween and cant wait til he's old enough to go trick or treating. The last pic is Sol in his Halloween footy pjs - which are so cozy and cute he's going to wear them til he grows out of them!

"Good Grief!"

Charlie Brown and his Snoopy!

The Peanuts Gang

More of the Peanuts Gang, a.k.a. the Flemings

Its spooky how cute he is!