Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Major Life Moment to Chew On - Solly and His First Bagel

In the Merzer/Fleming clan, bagels are a primary food group. (Coming Attraction, a Christmas-season Blockbuster: Solly and His First Donut.)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Solly Stands

Solly wanted a cd cover that daddy took away from him and put on the table and gosh darn it he was gonna get to it!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patty's Day!!

First off, Happy B-day to my late Grandpa Mike - who is watching over our little Solly and I'm proud to say I can already see so many of G-pa Mike's great qualities in our little guy.

Second, Happy St. Patty's Day!! Solly is wearing a soccer shirt brought from Ireland by our wonderful neighbor, Miss Bootsey!

Solly is now in the "big boy tub"

And LOVING it!! Mommy on the other hand, cried "No more baby tub"

But not for long, look at this shot, this is the best face/pic in the world!!

Sammie and Solly during some pre-bedtime play - or more like, lick-fest

Monday, March 9, 2009

7 Month Solly Update

I know I've been real bad this month posting to the blog - partly its cause my laptop is on the fritz and partly cause all the "live action" photos I now take w/my phone and then post to facebook - not fair, I know. Sooo, here you go, some cute-catchups of this month in Solly's life.

To note: He is now 7 1/2 months old - he scoots like a champ, he can go from the living room into the kitchen to get Sam's food in a blink of an eye. This weekend he started to pull himself up - so now he can literally stand at the coffee table or in his crib. He also climbs over everyone and onto everyone and he has a fun new trick with his lips/voice...check it out...

Solly crusing around the cul-de-sac on the first "spring day" of the year!

"Hey mom, look at me - I'm zooomin!"

Having some floor play-time with Daddy on a Saturday afternoon - life is good!

Looks like Solly's got a hold of John! And we wonder why the daycare ladies keep telling us he pulls the other kids hair ?!?

John gave Solly a fortune cookie to naw on - his first "real people" food. He loved it.

Just cant help it, he's just so cute, even if he's covered in doggy dish drool.

"Mine, Mine!" Solly just looooove Sam's dog dishes. Sam on the other hand, not so thrilled.