Friday, August 29, 2008

Sol has lunch at Governance!

Yesterday we had lunch w/Paige, Christy and Reggie at Governance - Scott was in Denver at the Dem Convention though I suspect he wishes he was here for some Solly love. Paige took some amazing pictures of Sol and we got an extra treat when Ed brought by baby Bryce ( who is such a cutie himself!) and they had a little baby pow-wow.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

One Month Old Today!

Today is Solly's one-month b-day (Weds was 4 wks !) and we celebrated by givng him his second bath - he was once again content and wonderful through the whole thing. Here's a pic of him all scrubbed up and clean and happy.

Sol went to his first political fundraiser at Miss Nora's house - here's Sol and Miss Nora.

Sol meets Greg Tish!!

Alan's youngest supporter! If we could get Sol a campaign onsey we would!! Go Alan for Wakulla County Commission!

Sol and G-pa watching tv - he's really looking at the tv!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Sol Purrs in Contentment

If you turn the volume way up and listen carefully, you will hear one very contented little baby.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Misc Pic from Solly's World

His face changes every day!!

Sha, Denver and Baby Sol - Denver promised to teach Solly how to skateboard when he's older!

Jack giving Sammie some deserved attention during their visit.

Just a cute picture of Big Sister Sammie!

Aunt Chel Chel takes on a feeding!

Everyone is tired from those late night feedings!!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Sol rolls over!

Big news today -- Sol has figured out how to get from his tummy to his back! He gets a little tummy time every day, and we've been watching him work this trick out, and today he pulled it off three times in a row.

He's growing up fast already -- took him for his weigh in yesterday, and he is already up to 7 lb. 10 oz.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Big Week for little Sol

Miss Bootsie and Baby Sol -- Howdie Neighbor!!

Grandma Lynne and Solly

Pop-Pop and Sol

Sol got to meet his cousin Justin - who was just precious and caring with his baby cousin.

Grandma Ann, Justin and Solly - she was in HEAVEN!!

Grandma Marion, Grandpa Marty and Solly at his first dinner out - at Fridays :)

Solly Chillin after a long weekend of visits and even brunch at Cabos - yes, he is entranced by his toy elephant - no, that doesnt make him a republican!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Dr. Grandma Sitting for Sol

John and I took advantage of Mom and Dad being here and snuck out to a matinee and saw Batman ( good movie!!). Dr. Grandma and Grandpa took good care of Solly, as you can see. We did good on our first outing away from the baby - though half way through the movie I found myself thinking Sol's smell and about and missing his feet - I know..weird but true.