Monday, September 29, 2008

Sol's Trip to S. Fla

Aunt Mich helping with Sol's pre-trip bath.

Umm..hello...anyone have a phone book I can sit on?? Mom and Dad took us out to a fun English-themed tavern/restaurant for John's B-day -- Solly had to sit in the booth with us - it was too cute not to show everyone.

John ordered the bourbon sampler which arrived while he was giving Sol his drink of choice.

Mom went a little crazy and ordered a beer sampler -which included a chocolate-ale, yummy!

Solly helping Daddy set up his new laptop - a surprise b-day gift from mommy.

Our first trip to S. Fla with Sol could not have gone better. When he wasnt sleeping, he just peacefully looked out the window - it was wonderful! We had one massive stop at the turnpike reststop to change his diaper and pick up food for us - he loved all the new sights and sounds - he was an angel. When he got hungry, I climbed in the back and fed him in his car seat and sat with him and Sammie - who was v. excited to see Mommy in the backseat. It really went very well. Once we got here, Grandma and Grandpa just loved all over him and are currently setting the world record for the MOST pictures taken of a grandchild in a 48 hour period. All the traveling and change in schedule and environment did bring on a pretty massive meltdown from Sol but once he cried himself out and fell asleep the day tired him out and we got a FULL 6 HOURS OF SLEEP -- it was lovelyt!!!

More pictures to follow after tonite's Rosh Hashannah Dinner - suffice it to say, this is a pretty wonderful holiday for the Merzer/Flemings.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Are you kidding me?

Sol has a touch of thrush, so the purple stuff is Gentian Violet. Sol is not too happy about it.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Solly & his toys

He is now wactively looking at some of his toys - he is also bringing things to and putting them in his mouth. But here is he having a little conversation with his lion.

Solly watching the last Yankee Game in Yankee Stadium

Its tough being a Yankee fan!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Go Yankees!

Sol watching the Yankees last game in Yankee Stadium.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Funny Day

Rub my belly...rub my belly...would someone pllllease rub my belly!!?? Sounds/looks kinda like Sammie-dog, doesnt it?!

Sammie played with her bone while Sol chilled on Aunt Mich's tummy-time blanket.

Then Sammie decided so show Sol her cute side :)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Go Gators!

It's great to be a Florida Gator!

Pix from Sol's week

Sol and Aunt Julie at Cabo's Sunday Brunch

Sol and Uncle Zack at Cabo's Sunday Brunch

Lunch with Aunt Michele at Bruggars

Visiting Dad at work!

Bathtime with Grandma Ann and Daddy

Make sure to wash my tushy, Daddy!!

Friday, September 5, 2008

6 Weeks Old - a msg from the mommy

On Wednesday, Solomon was 6 weeks old. I've been trying to sit down and write this since then - but alas, time is consumed w/feedings, changings, naps, tummy time,etc.

So now he's sleeping in the bouncer after a fun 15 minute morning tummy time w/Sammie that was just, how shall I say it, amazing. Who would have thought that the joy of my day would be squatting on the floor, throwing a toy w/Sam and watching Sol giggle - thats right, he's giggling, or at least he looks like he is and I'll take that for now.

What an amazing 6 weeks. Hard to believe. Looking back, the 6 week ultrasound is still so real - I mean, it was just yesterday that we were rejoicing because we had a heartbeat at 6 weeks. Then we made 6 months. Then it was 6 weeks TO GO. Now, here we are, he's 6 weeks old.

On Wednesday I had my 6 week checkup w/the doc ( got the all clear - v. happy to resume all regular activities :) and I was sitting there in a packed waiting room and watching all the other "mothers". There were a ton of 6-week checks like us (none had as cute or well behaved baby as I, of course) but there were all sorts of mothers in various stages - a lot big and looking miserable and ready (like I was), a lot smaller and still in that glowing cute phase, some not showing at all but holding that first ultrasound and wearing that ear-to-ear grin that everyone wears when they first see that amazing creature growing inside them. Some had their significant others beside them - usually the moms earlier in their pregnancy had their menfolk, those bigger, every other week appt women were alone - like I did til those last few appointments - after all, it really is boring for our husbands to watch us get weighed, pee in a cup and get our blood pressure taken.

So I sat there watching and listening and thinking how full circle this all is - how I enjoyed every single appointment, every single phase. How new and exciting it all was. And nerve racking. How I will never have all those feelings again. For baby #2 it will be different. Exciting and wonderful - but differnt. Expected. And that is ok. It will always be special. Sol will be special ( for obviously sooo many reasons) but for John and I he was our little miracle, our little experiment. He was and is the source for all that which was new and exciting and wonderful. And I am soo grateful and thankful that he is here, that he made it, that we made it. And we have all those months, all those appointments, all those memories and ultrasounds and blog updates and co-pays ( ug) to show for it. And now, a whole new phase is starting. I dont need to go back to the doc except for that yearly woman exam (which compard to labor will now be a piece of cake!!). Now we are truly "on our own and out of the womb" -- and a part of me is sad because all in all I enjoyed being pregnant ( until the last month or so - oh and not the morning sickness and also not the ligament pain) - but I enjoyed be the pregnant Allie, I enjoyed being "special" though I supposed now I'm the mom of someone pretty freaking special - and that is perfectly wonderfully fine by me.

Happy 6 weeks baby Sol xoxo

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day weekend visit w/Grandma and Grandpa M

Many cute things occured this weekend - including another wonderfully tolerated bath. Solly had a great visit w/Grandma and Grandpa Merzer - including a fun brunch w/the gang at Cabos.